In just over four years, the Surf For Life Project has helped more than 8,500 children experience and grow from the joy of surfing. Through support from our amazing partners, we hope to raise over $100,000 to have more than 4,000 children experience surfing! We truly believe we can have a positive impact on their lives by creating change through a safe and exciting environment.

Our community came together as our hearts ache for those affected by the Bushfire Tragedy. For the communities, families, wildlife and the businesses on Kangaroo Island. On the 15th of January, Sceale Bay Surf School with Elliots Bakery and Streaky Surf & Style held a Surf School fundraiser day for the Kangaroo Island Bushfires Appeal along with donations and a raffle by Streaky Surf funds were raised to positively help our fellow South Aussies. Thank you to all who helped support and participate in this awesome event.
Many in our Streaky Bay community saw the opportunity to help our neighbours on KI and teach our youth that through surfing that we can all help others by showing that we care and can actively do something positive in the recreation we love to share the stoke with those of our extended community in need.
Over the day we had some great surf with 6 coaches in the water and 2 groups of 20 providing our youth with some great instruction and opportunity for some travelling families to have their kids experience the stoke of catching a wave for the first time.
It was awesome to see so many people come together in a positive atmosphere.
Contact Us
Any questions regarding this project can be directed to:
Surfing Australia – info@surfingaustralia.com.